We believe lead generation should be focused on listings.
Over the past 9 years, we have developed an online source of listing leads that are one of the best in the industry. We don’t promise conversions or closings, but the data shows that within 6 months of a contact entering their address on our site, 70-80% of those homes have sold.
Those homes will be selling in the next 6 months… Do you want to take those listings?
Only 41% of KW agents have set up Command, and less have learned to employ it effectively to become a tech-enabled agent.
As part of the LUXRE network, we will ensure you are one of the agents effectively leveraging their business as Command becomes more viable as your CRM, Transaction Management System, Marketing & Lead Generation tool and Marketing Design Suite.
We ensure you are using Command to grow your business.
YES. As a business owner, you have the right to choose what your branding looks and feels like. If you wish to continue with your own branding and to not use LUXRE’s, you absolutely may do so.
LUXRE does not ask you to leave your branding behind, fall in line with our team system and become an expansion team member. You are already a successful business owner and agent. You have developed relationships of trust and confidence with your clients that nobody should ever take away.
Seller leads are the primary focus of LUXRE Network’s lead generation. Most of the seller leads come through our exclusive Home Profit Calculator (HPC) listing leads.
Our listing leads come primarily via Google search and pay-per-click campaigns we have been running for nearly 10yrs. The power in the campaign is in the algorithm. Sure, anyone could fire up a PPC campaign, but not everyone has the 10 years of data tracking and sheer amount of volume of search through our partner, DBM, who has run and optimized these ads across the country and will now do so exclusively for LUXRE.
The search data in the PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns we have run is so valuable because it has 10 years and hundreds of thousands of inquiries in its own algorithm already. This time on Google has really allowed the algorithm and behavioralistics to mature our search and target the ads to consumers showing the signs most often that lead to quality leads and therefore results for our network.
LUXRE Network will provide a steady supply of EXCLUSIVE listing leads every month (20+ per month). LUXRE Network does not send the same lead to multiple agents. Each lead is exclusive to one agent in the Network.
All LUXRE Network leads are EXCLUSIVE to you and only you. No other agent in our network will receive the same lead. We have found a 1-to-1 communication is far better than a barrage of agents vying for the same potential client. With 1-to-1 you get higher response rates, better relationships, and better clients
Many companies offer lead generation for buyer leads. Buyer leads tend to be the far easier lead to generate over a seller lead. For this reason, most companies do not offer seller leads or if they do, they are much more expensive than a buyer. LUXRE has focused on seller leads from day one when Jason Wells, began his real estate career and determined to follow the guidelines in The Millionaire Real Estate Agent to its fullest.
LUXRE brings leverage to our network members in the form of: (1) KW Command setup/maintenance, (2) KW Agent site customization, (3) KW Smart Plans, (4) content creation for social media and blogs, (5) weekly trainings and knowledge database, (6) sphere of influence 36 Touch, (7) generating leads.
LUXRE Network is building a community of agents all utilizing the same systems and tools, trainings for our current market circumstances, and a network of agents across the country to collaborate and share with those who understand your same struggles and successes. This all makes it very simple for LUXRE, if we are not providing you with value, leads, listings or leverage, then LUXRE should be cut from your business.